We held our third spring beer festival over the Easter weekend. As usual we had an extra range of draught real ales arranged by Andy including a Kolsch style, Brown Ale, Victorian Mild and some nice IPAs. On Friday night a taste card of 4 Belgian bottled beers from Antwerp was available. Visitors were able to sample Westmalle, DeKoninck and Duvel beers in progressive strengths and styles from 4 per cent up to 9.5 percent. These were all served in special glasses.
The beers available
We are determined to remain an outlet for interesting casks ales and are proud to be the only N17 Tottenham pub listed in this year's CAMRA good beer guide. Too many pubs locally have stopped serving cask ales because of the extra costs of serving and the risks of wastage. Real ale is a product unique to a few countries and we can play our part in preserving it. You can help by coming to buy the ales we sell.
Shall we have another festival in the Autumn? Email admin@antwerparms.co.uk and let us know what you think.